You are here: Purchasing > Landed Cost > Using Landed Cost > Add Remove Lines

Add Remove Lines

Provided an Import Cost line has not been invoiced, individual physical line items can be removed from or re-added to the apportioning of that cost. The line must have been apportioned against the purchase order OR be a non-ordered physical item attached to an invoice.


1. Untick the field Apportioned in the Import Costs tab against the line where the apportioning is to be changed
2. Move to the Shipment Lines tab
3. Right mouse click anywhere in the line to be changed OTHER THAN over a drill-able field i.e. where the mouse pointer is an arrow
4. Tick or un-tick the relevant box in the Line Costs form
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4
6. Save changes
7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 for other costs to be changed
8. Save changes

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